Here at Both/And, we believe that community and exploration is the antidote to ignorance. 

Current Publications and Offerings: 

Both/And Reflection Journal

30 Day Exploration of race and identity from the perspective of people in The Middle.

This journal is for the person who is ready to create their own story about their identity, rather than using the one the world has handed to them. Through thoughtful prompts that take the thinker on a journey inward, the Both/And Reflection Journal allows space and safety to discover ones own place in The Middle. 

Love Makes You Mine

Children’s Publication 

Growing up in this world as a multiracial person can be tough. Questions from others, feeling “different”, and not seeing many people who look like you are all familiar experiences for a multiracial child. Love Makes You Mine was written to help children and their caregivers explore the differences between them, as well as the truth that binds them- love is truly what makes a family.

We Are Both/And

Building Intentional Community for those who live in The Middle